Saturday, March 19, 2011

With faith, peace is possible;

I recently read a quote which goes like this,
"The journey is what brings us happiness, not the destination." I thought it was very well said.

Very often we go through the experiences in our life without really knowing what to expect through it all. We can only predict that such & such will happen but we cannot guarantee that it will happen. Sometimes things don't go as we planned but it turned out to be so much better than expected.

Have you ever felt it, things that did not go as you planned or expected but eventually it still turned out wonderfully? Better still, som e things which did not go as you planned turned out to be the turning point in your life. I think this shows that we can never ever guarantee the things that happens in our life.

However we do have the abilty to make the most of what we have, look at things in different angles & see that whatever happens, truly happens for the best. You may not see it now but trust me, with patience and an open heart, anything is possible. Anything. I believe the key is faith.

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