Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior

'I thought I was strong...' - Peaceful warrior

Peaceful warrior never fails to make me feel at ease what with all the trials in life. It is a movie full of valuable lessons. A gem, really, just like the book. :)


Aku hanya insan biasa yang punya perasaan yang sama seperti yang lain. Adakalanya aku rasa gelisah, adakalanya aku rasa amat bahagia dan ada juga waktu apabila aku sebak mengenangkan suka duka kehidupan.

Dia ada.
Dia amat hampir denganku.
Dia indah.

Dia masih ada tapi
dia semakin jauh.
Dia tetap indah.

Wahai semua di luar sana, hidup penuh suka dan duka. Apabila tuhan mengurniakan kebahagiaan dari segi seorang sahabat ataupun keluarga ataupun mungkin dalam suatu pengalaman, jangan butakan mata dan hati daripada menerima kebahagiaan itu.

Percayalah,kebahagiaan itu kurniaan ikhlas dari Illahi. Jangan mengusir kebahagiaan pergi kerana kelak, kamu akan dihantui suatu soalan iaitu, "Mengapa aku tidak bersyukur?" Soalan itu akan berlegar di minda dan dalam masa yang sama, kenangan demi kenangan akan menggamit memori semalam.

Walau apa pun, kita sebagai manusia tidak lepas dari melakukan kesalahan yang kadang kadang amat tidak wajar. Penting untuk kita terapkan kekuatan dan kesabaran dalam menghadapi akibat dari perbuatan kita sendiri. Setiap kesilapan boleh diperbaiki. Setiap kegagalan boleh bertukar menjadi kebahagiaan di suatu hari kelak.

Aku menanti, menanti dengan penuh harapan. Jika benar semuanya bersebab, aku percaya di suatu hari kelak aku akan dipertemukan dengan hikmah dan hidayah. Jika tidak, aku redha.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


"I want to tell you something. From bits and pieces of what you have told me about your family, your mother and your dad... And I know you have problems with the church too... But there is some kind of bigger thing that we can all appreciate and it sounds to me you don't mind calling it God. But when you forgive, you love. And when you love, God's light shines through you."

From the movie, Into the wild.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Altered life;

“There's a lot I don't understand about life. You meet thousands of people, and then you meet one person, and your life is changed forever."
- From the movie, Love and other drugs.

Yeah, sometimes, love is a mystery. It just sort of happen, you know? Before you know it, you are feeling emotions you never thought would exist in that moment.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Still here;

“Who says we want what we think we want? We want what we think we are supposed to want. Like what the books tell us to want and the movies. That's what I wanted. Happy. Happy, happy, happy - we didn't get that. That's the end of that. OK? It's not the end of us. It's the end of a dream, that's all. You wake up in the morning, the dream's over, so what? We're still here.”
- Russell Crowe.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Qasidah Istighfar

Kasih sayang yang sejati dan tiada berbelah bagi - kasih sayang tuhan yang maha esa.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Akan Ku Jumpa - Nadia Aqilah Bajuri (+Lirik)

Penantian yang akan membawa seribu hikmah akhirnya. Percayalah. :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Strange or extraordinary?

Happiness is a strange thing.

Sometimes you think you have found the happiness you have been looking for only to find out in the end that – there’s more to it than you think. Happiness comes with everything else you never expected; particularly sadness.

What do you do then? Like me, do you ask questions you have no answers to? Do you start to question what is meant for you and what is not? Do you cry yourself to sleep at night wondering what if I have done this and that? Do you think that you could have done something differently and everything would have turned out differently? You thought, if only I have treasured the moment.

Happiness is an extraordinary thing.

In happiness, you gain something and you lose something. In happiness, you laugh and you cry. In happiness, you succeed and you fail. In happiness, you will lose yourself but you will find yourself again.

I am grateful for happiness. Are you?